#Day 3 Basic Linux commands

#Day 3 Basic Linux commands

Day 3 out of 90


1 min read

Display the text inside the file - cat command

syntax: cat filename.txt

Check which commands the user has run till now -

syntax: history

Remove a directory(rm -r) -

To remove an empty directory rm -r, where -r is for recursively

syntax: rm -r dir_name

for forcefully remove use -

syntax: rm -rf dir_name

create filename fruits.txt and add some fruits name

Tail command - used to show the last 10 lines of a file

Syntax: tail file_name

where -3 is for the last three lines

Head command - used to display the first 10 lines of a files

Syntax: head file_name

Diff command -used to show the difference between files

syntax: diff file1 file2

Change access permission (chmod)

used to change the permission of a file, we've different numerical values as follows -


syntax - chmod 444 file_name